Book Your Cleaning Instantly

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Fill out the booking form

Wait for a confirmation, It takes 15 minutes or less …

What Happens After You Submit Your Booking Form.

  • In 15 minutes or less, a customer representative will contact you to obtain additional details for your booking request.
  • The prices provided in the booking form are only rough estimates based on square footage. Prices may vary based on the additional details you provide during your call with the customer rep.
  • You will be required to provide a Debit/Credit card to complete/confirm your booking.
  • Your Credit/Debit Card will only be processed once the cleaning is done.
  • Click this link to see what is included in each of our services: House Cleaning Checklist | Office Cleaning Checklist
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Customer Details


Service Request

Service Start Date and Time
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Customer Details

Contact Information

Service Type

Please check out our SERVICE CHECKLIST prior to booking.Keep in mind, your FIRST CLEAN will be a deep clean.
Service Date & Time


For Homes 4000+ Sq Ft in size – You will receive a custom quote with pricing during your call with Customer Rep.

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